Colette Theriault fine art 
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Wildlife Art


Pet Portraits


-colored pencil



Step by Step




Police Dog Artwork

Police K9 Dog Portraits


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 If inquiring about a commission, please make sure to review the order/price information page by clicking here.

You can contact me anytime via email at:



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Many more wildlife watercolor, acrylic and pastel paintings, graphite pencil, colored pencil and charcoal drawings and sketches of animals and pets can be found in my art gallery. See portraits of dogs, puppy, cats, kitten, horses, pony, fancy rat, birds, elephant, butterfly, rhinoceros, jaguar, moose, raccoon, red fox, rabbit, hare, lion, zebra, owl, wolf and more. Commission an original custom wildlife painting or drawing,  dog portrait, cat portrait, horse portrait or other animal portrait today. These original, hand-made, custom pet portraits and wildlife paintings or animal drawings make wonderful memorial gifts for every dog, cat, horse or animal lover.


Copyright Colette Theriault, All Rights Reserved.