Contact Me
"; echo "Please submit your email. Go back and enter your email."; echo " "; echo ""; } if($Comments==''){$noerror=1; echo ""; echo ""; echo "Please submit your comments. Go back and enter your comments."; echo " "; echo ""; } if($First_Name=='' || $Last_Name==''){$noerror=1; echo ""; echo ""; echo "Please submit your first and last name. Go back and enter your first and last name."; echo " "; echo ""; } if($Code!= $vercode){$noerror=1; echo ""; echo ""; echo "Please submit the correct code. Go back and enter the correct code."; echo " "; echo ""; } if(!$noerror){ $headers.= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers.= "Content-type: text/plain\r\n"; $headers.= "From: ".$First_Name." ".$Last_Name."<".$Email.">\r\n"; $headers.= "Reply-To: ".$First_Name." ".$Last_Name."<$Email>\r\n"; @mail(" <"."ctheriault2001@yahoo.ca".">", $Inquiries, $Comments, $headers); @mail(" <"."art@colettetheriault.com".">", $Inquiries, $Comments, $headers); echo ""; echo ""; echo "Thank You for submitting your inquiry, someone will contact you within 24 hours."; echo ""; echo " "; }//if noerror }//if if(!$Send_Contact_Info){ ?>