Colette Theriault fine art 
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Wildlife Art


Pet Portraits


-colored pencil



Step by Step




Police Dog Artwork

Police K9 Dog Portraits



Original Equine Pet Portraits

To enquire or order your dog, cat,  horse or small domestic animal pet portrait from photo, image or picture, please contact the artist.

This group portrait features six horses. Please click on each image below to see a larger view.









Group of Percheron work horse-Pet Portrait Drawing

Group of Percheron work horse-Pet Portrait Drawing

Part of a group portrait of six Percherons-approx. size: 23" x 40"

Medium: Prismacolor pencils

 View this portrait's work in progress here!

I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to draw a group horse portrait. Since the owner knew that this portrait would involve quite a bit of work and planning to complete, I was lucky to receive this commission well in advance of the target date, having over 1 year to finish it. With well over 150 reference photos to work with, narrowing down to the perfect pose for each horse was quite a task, let alone placing them all together on a portrait. I was fortunate enough to have the horses co-operate in having their photo taken as a group (and individually) as they were standing all lined up along a fence. The main reference pose was created by patching sections of the group together to form the portrait layout. I then used several individual close-up photographs of each horse to help draw the fine details of each horse. Click above on the link above to view the work in progress and the reference photograph used to create this portrait. Below is a photograph how the portrait was framed.


Many more wildlife watercolor, acrylic and pastel paintings, graphite pencil, colored pencil and charcoal drawings and sketches of animals and pets can be found in my art gallery. See portraits of dogs, puppy, cats, kitten, horses, pony, fancy rat, birds, elephant, butterfly, rhinoceros, jaguar, moose, raccoon, red fox, rabbit, hare, lion, zebra, owl, wolf and more. Commission an original custom wildlife painting or drawing,  dog portrait, cat portrait, horse portrait or other animal portrait today. These original, hand-made, custom pet portraits and wildlife paintings or animal drawings make wonderful memorial gifts for every dog, cat, horse or animal lover.


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